Sunday, July 29, 2007

New Adventure with New Friends!

I was able to experience my first cold spell here in Peru on Thursday and Friday. We had this really bad wind and rain storm on Thursday. I mean it was relentless and I was freezing! I stayed bundled up in the house all day and layered up in the night. I have to admit it was nice to have a little break from the hot weather though. Today and yesterday were gorgeous weather though, its sunny and breezy. A very nice blessing!

So I ended up meeting up with two girls that are SM´s down here is Peru. They both go to Southern and I actually already kind of knew one of them. Ansley and Carly. They just happen to come to the church in my town last Sabbath, yesterday, and spent the day at the air base. I was so happy to spend time with people my age that also spoke English! lol

They ended up inviting me to come spend time with them this week. So today they picked me up and I will stay with them until Tuesday. Today we went to this Shipibo village called San Francisco. We took a little boat there, called a Peke Peke. It was a great experience. They both speak Spanish so that is very helpful for me!

We just went for ice cream and decided to get a little internet time in. I am looking forward to going to their house and seeing how they live. It sounds like it is quite a bit more primitive than where I have been staying, so it should be a great time!

I only have about two more days worth of work on my projects and then I am finished. So I will have some free time at the end of my time here, and hopefully Edie and I will be able to go do some fun stuff.

Yesterday was Peru´s independence day. I didnt get much sleep last night because I could hear loud music blasting until about 5 am! lol

Well that is all for now! I am very much looking forward to coming home!!

Much love,

1 comment:

Jason said...

a Peke Peke? LOL i love that name...that may have to be your new nickname! =)