Friday, July 13, 2007

I am in Peru!!

Hello all!
I made it safely to Peru, thank you for all the prayers and thoughts. There is so much I have already experienced. I am not sure where to start!

Well I arrived in Lima Wednesday night at 11pm, which is 12 am eastern time. The flight was long, but really not too bad at all. They actually showed and episode of The Office on the plane, which was strangley comforting. I mostly listened to my ipod the whole way. At the airport I was lucky enough to get a green light at customs and I was very pleased. Next it was the search through a sea of Peruvians for a man holding a sign with my name. Lorenzo was the gentleman who picked me up and took me to my hotel. He did not speak any english, thus my first attempt with my very poor spanish. On the ride I saw the Pacific ocean. That was really cool. I didnt get much sleep that night, after calling my mom and Jason, I finally went to sleep at 2am and go t up at 630 am the next day. A taxi took me to the airport. My flight to Pucallpa was delayed 2 hours, so I took a quick nap in the airport and then was finally on my way.

It was cooler in Lima, so when I got to Pucallpa I had to adjust real quick to a very hot and humid environment. Edie, the lady I am staying with, was at the airport to greet me along with some others. From there we rode in a car to the air base. The air base is a large piece of property that is secure by fence and gate. That is where Edie´s house is. There are other families and people that live there too that I will tell about in another blog.

The house I am staying at looks out to a lake. It is a very beautiful view. I have my own room and bathroom, which is nice. Edie also has a cat, which really makes me happy. Most of you know I am a cat person!

Pucallpa is a very interesting town. The place I am at is actually out in the country. There are lots of dogs and chickens walking around. To get to our place from town it is about a 15 minute ride on a ver rough dirt rode. Lindsay..I cant believe we ever complained about our 2 second ride up our rode sophomore year!!

I do not have internet where I am at. So I have to come to an internet cafe to use the internet. I hope that I will be able to come at lease once a week. When I came in town today, I got my first experience on a motor car. It is like a small motor cycle with a cart on the back for passengers to sit. It is covered, and is really not too bad of a ride. It is pretty cheap to get around by a motor car. I must say the driving here is definitly going to take some getting used to. It is really every car, bus or motor car for himself!

All the food I have eaten so far at Edie´s house, my house too I suppose, has been very good. It has all been Peruvian. It will take me while to remember the names of all the dishes though. I will definitly not go hungry.

Oh I must warn, it is possible that the strike will go back on starting Sunday. That would not be good. I will not have access to internet in that case. So please keep Pucallpa in your prayers...especially for the safety of the people here.

I want to say that everyone should not take for granted their warm, well pressured showers! I had my first shower here this morning and it was the complete opposite! Also last night I did not get much sleep due to the new environment and also the chickens and roosters outside my window. It is very hot at night too. I am sure with time I will adjust and the chickens will be like the train in Collegedale-you just get used to it.

I have been very home sick since I left. Saying goodbye to my family and Jason at the airport was one of the hardest things I have had to do. I miss home very much and it´s really hard to think I will not be there for a while. Please keep me in your prayers. I really really need it!! Also I pray that my spanish skills can improve greatly because that is a great challenge for me!

I hope this was a decent entry. I feel like I have so much to say, but not much time to say it. My time here is actually up. So until later!!

I miss you all and love you too!!



Jason said...

So you mean to tell me all my crazy driving was meant to get you ready for this trip. See! i was just trying to get you ready for this trip! And you rode a motor cycle?!!?!?!??!?!

laSonya said...

the gift of tonges! That is what I'll pray for. Vice-versa for me and French!!!

Unknown said...

yeah i agree you drove a motorcycle?? Don't worry your Spanish will get better in a few weeks!!