Thursday, August 9, 2007

Close To The End

I am nearing the end of my time here in Peru. My journey home begins this Sunday. I am very excited to get home, I have missed it so much!

I have finished all my work here. The programs are put together and I even set up a blog for Peru Projects. Now all I need to do is pack!

Last weekend God blessed me with a great opportunity. At the air base, there was a youth camp meeting for about four days. The pastors asked Molly if she had a presentation or a talk she could give the youth on Sabbath and she said okay. Then she realized that this was a great opportunity for me to do one of my presentations. So she asked if I would be willing, I have to admit I was hesitant at first because I just get really nervous about public speaking. I agreed to do my presentation on conflict resolution for church. They really wanted me to do the abstinence presentation, but it was not ready to be presented and I was not ready to present it! So I just did the conflict one.

I was so nervous, but the time came and I did my presentation. Molly did a presentation first about the internet and then she translated for mine. It actually went pretty well and the pastors were very grateful. So grateful, infact, that one of them asked me personally if I could do the abstinence presentation for the evening program. yikes! I didn´t know what to say, I was not ready for it, but Molly assured me that she would help me put it together and translate it, so I agreed. All day Molly and I worked on shortening and translating the abstinence program. It was originally 158 slides on powerpoint and we got it down to about 47, plus Molly translated the powerpoint so we had something for the youth to actually look at. The Lord really blessed our work, we literally finished the presentation five minutes before we were supposed to start. We gave the presentation and it went really well!

Before I was even asked to do these presentations, I had asked the Lord to fill the rest of my time here because I was worried I would run out of things to do. He definitly answered my prayer in a big way! I am so grateful that I can go home saying that I not only was able to put together these programs, but also present them too. That was such blessing!

This will most likely be my last blog post while I am in Peru, but I will post another when I get home to inform you all about my final weekend here! Please keep me in your prayers, especially as I travel Sunday overnight! (I arrive in Atlanta early Monday morning).

God Bless!!