Sunday, July 29, 2007

New Adventure with New Friends!

I was able to experience my first cold spell here in Peru on Thursday and Friday. We had this really bad wind and rain storm on Thursday. I mean it was relentless and I was freezing! I stayed bundled up in the house all day and layered up in the night. I have to admit it was nice to have a little break from the hot weather though. Today and yesterday were gorgeous weather though, its sunny and breezy. A very nice blessing!

So I ended up meeting up with two girls that are SM´s down here is Peru. They both go to Southern and I actually already kind of knew one of them. Ansley and Carly. They just happen to come to the church in my town last Sabbath, yesterday, and spent the day at the air base. I was so happy to spend time with people my age that also spoke English! lol

They ended up inviting me to come spend time with them this week. So today they picked me up and I will stay with them until Tuesday. Today we went to this Shipibo village called San Francisco. We took a little boat there, called a Peke Peke. It was a great experience. They both speak Spanish so that is very helpful for me!

We just went for ice cream and decided to get a little internet time in. I am looking forward to going to their house and seeing how they live. It sounds like it is quite a bit more primitive than where I have been staying, so it should be a great time!

I only have about two more days worth of work on my projects and then I am finished. So I will have some free time at the end of my time here, and hopefully Edie and I will be able to go do some fun stuff.

Yesterday was Peru´s independence day. I didnt get much sleep last night because I could hear loud music blasting until about 5 am! lol

Well that is all for now! I am very much looking forward to coming home!!

Much love,

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

We´re on God´s Watch Now

Wow! Can I just say that God has really shown me He is in control. From the beginning of my journey, even before I left the US, God has been showing me that everything will happen according to His will and His timing. With that said, my plans have changed yet again. I will be returning home even earlier, like August 13th earlier! I have prayed and prayed about this, and told God not to let this be my selfish decision, but let my return home be according to His plans.

I have already completed over half of the work I came here to do. I have started working on the abstinence program already and that is the last thing I have to do. It just so happens that Edie is going out of town at on August 14th for two weeks, thus I would be left at the air base by myself. From the beginning, I wasnt thrilled about that idea, but I think God does not make coincidences, He does things on purpose. So after talking with Edie, we both feel comfortable with me returning home before she leaves.

I can´t thank you enough, those of you who have been praying for me. This trip and truly been a journey for me and God. He had a lot to show me, and He knew that it would take something this extreme to get my attention. For His patience and love I am so thankful.

So that is the news for now. A reminder to all that all good things will come, but only in God´s time. He knows us better than we know ourselves!

God Bless,

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Feliz Semana!

I hope everyone had a good week and a good Sabbath! Today I participated in a march that was put on by the Adventist conference down here. I cant quite remember what it is called.

It was not at all what I expected. It was inside a small stadium (very hot) and all the Adventist communities in Pucallpa participated. It was pretty interesting. Each big group would come up one at a time and march around the center of the stadium. I actually marched three times. Once with my community, once with Peru Projects, and a third time with the women.

An interesting fact about last night, a frog found it´s way into my room. And me, being the brave woman I am, asked Edie to get it. She attempted several times until the cat just ran in got it and left with not problem. I kind of felt bad about the frog dying, but I really didnt want it jumping on my face in the middle of the night!! lol
Every Friday and Sunday night, we have small group meetings with the young adults/youth. In the middle of vespers last night, we heard this loud animal sound and Edie and I didn´t know what it was. To me, it sounded like an animal that could attack...turns out it was an owl! haha

I have been trying to practice my Spanish a little more, but I have to be honest, it really hasn´t improved much :( I keep meaning to carry my dictionary with me, but I forget most of the time.

I am here at the internet cafe with my new friends Tone, from Norway, and Marvin, from Iquitos. Tone is a short term missionary and she goes back home to Norway in about a week. She is here visiting and helping out. Marvin is 16 and he is a student. He was on his way to Lima for school, but he got robbed and lost all his money and all that he had. So he is here short term until he can get to Lima. Please keep him in your prayers. We are waiting to get picked up by Beto (I think I already talked about Beto and Molly).

Okay, well that is all for now! I hope all is well for everyone who reads this!

I send my love!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Quick Hello!

Well I went on an unexpected trip to town today and got to use the internet, so I thought I would just let everyone know things are still going well. Edie and I came in by motorcar and then a taxi.

The exciting events today were I saw Flicka, the dog, catch and kill two huge iguanas. It was pretty crazy. I guess its the season for them to lay their eggs so they are all over the air base trying to find a place to lay them. Also today I saw dolphins swimming in the lake in front of the air base. It was so cool! I had no idea there were dolphins in there until Edie pointed it out.

My work on the programs are going well. I started working on anger managment today and its been interesting. I am excited to see the end product of all my work! God is really blessing me here.

Well I hope to hear from some of you! I cant wait to come home and share all my stories and pictures.

All my love,

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My first week in Peru

I am glad to say I survived my first week in Peru! I have to say that God is so good and I know that He is truly watching over me here. I feel like I have so much to tell, but literally so little time to tell it!

I got to go on my first mini vacation here. At the airbase there is another couple who lives there, Molly and Beto. Beto is a pilot and over this past weekend we took the Cessna and flew 1 1/2 hours to Tarapoto. This is north of Pucallpa. This was my first time in such a small plane and I was a little nervous. We even had to fly through a few storms, which made me hold my breath because I was so nervous. But I am happy to say we made it both ways safely. And the ride back I wasnt so nervous, perhaps because I forgot to take my dramamine and was mostly praying to God that I wouldnt get sick!!
It was so awesome to go see another city. We went to a beautiful waterfall and I got some amazing pictures. (with my amazing camara that Jason got me:)) We also visited another town close by that called Lamas. This was a town that was on a small mountain top. There were some very beautiful views. I felt very luck to have the opportunity to go on this trip. While in Tarapoto, I also had the most delicious grape juice I have ever tasted. The juices and fruits taste so good here in Peru!

I have had my share of seeing interesting creatures. I have seen 3 large iguanas, two of which were shot by the gentleman that lives below us. (Another couple Gloria and Emilio) And another was killed by one of our dogs, Flicka. The iguanas eat the chicken eggs, so if ever they come around, they will not live long! There is also a bat that lives in our roof and flys down into the living room sometimes. There are tons of bugs, but you just have to get used to it.

I have been meeting a lot of people here. They are all very friendly, its just hard because I dont speak the language. I am getting better at recognizing people I see often though, and I have had a few opportunities to attempt to communicate in Spanish. It is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

Being here really makes me realize the true luxury we live in in the US. I mean they have so little here compared to us. For me it has really put my life in perspective and I can only pray that this teaches me a life long lesson about not taking things for granted.

I started yesterday working on my programs and so far it is going well. I will have a girl names Annie helping me. She is 17 and lives here in Pucallpa. Her English is very good and she is even starting to learn Chinese. Shes a very smart girl. First we are working on the relationship stuff and then we will start the abstinence program.

In case you do not know, the strike did not start again. Thank you to all of you who have been praying. They have decided to give more time to work out the issues, so all is good as far as transportation goes. However, teachers here are on strike, so there is no school for government run schools.

I have still been having my share of homesickness, but I call home often, so that really helps. There is also some news about my return to the States. After much prayer and review of my work here, Edie and I have decided that it would be okay for me to come home early. We feel confident that I can accomplish my work within three months. So my new possible return date is October 5. I am very excited about this because I miss home so much and I think that God really knows my heart and is allowing me to return early.

I am sure I have left out so much, butI hope that this gives you at least a little picture of my time here. And also please excuse any typing errors, I really try to rush because I have just a short time on the internet. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. I love you all and miss you too! Thank you for all the comments and e-mails so far. I really enjoy them!!

Until next time,

Friday, July 13, 2007

I am in Peru!!

Hello all!
I made it safely to Peru, thank you for all the prayers and thoughts. There is so much I have already experienced. I am not sure where to start!

Well I arrived in Lima Wednesday night at 11pm, which is 12 am eastern time. The flight was long, but really not too bad at all. They actually showed and episode of The Office on the plane, which was strangley comforting. I mostly listened to my ipod the whole way. At the airport I was lucky enough to get a green light at customs and I was very pleased. Next it was the search through a sea of Peruvians for a man holding a sign with my name. Lorenzo was the gentleman who picked me up and took me to my hotel. He did not speak any english, thus my first attempt with my very poor spanish. On the ride I saw the Pacific ocean. That was really cool. I didnt get much sleep that night, after calling my mom and Jason, I finally went to sleep at 2am and go t up at 630 am the next day. A taxi took me to the airport. My flight to Pucallpa was delayed 2 hours, so I took a quick nap in the airport and then was finally on my way.

It was cooler in Lima, so when I got to Pucallpa I had to adjust real quick to a very hot and humid environment. Edie, the lady I am staying with, was at the airport to greet me along with some others. From there we rode in a car to the air base. The air base is a large piece of property that is secure by fence and gate. That is where Edie´s house is. There are other families and people that live there too that I will tell about in another blog.

The house I am staying at looks out to a lake. It is a very beautiful view. I have my own room and bathroom, which is nice. Edie also has a cat, which really makes me happy. Most of you know I am a cat person!

Pucallpa is a very interesting town. The place I am at is actually out in the country. There are lots of dogs and chickens walking around. To get to our place from town it is about a 15 minute ride on a ver rough dirt rode. Lindsay..I cant believe we ever complained about our 2 second ride up our rode sophomore year!!

I do not have internet where I am at. So I have to come to an internet cafe to use the internet. I hope that I will be able to come at lease once a week. When I came in town today, I got my first experience on a motor car. It is like a small motor cycle with a cart on the back for passengers to sit. It is covered, and is really not too bad of a ride. It is pretty cheap to get around by a motor car. I must say the driving here is definitly going to take some getting used to. It is really every car, bus or motor car for himself!

All the food I have eaten so far at Edie´s house, my house too I suppose, has been very good. It has all been Peruvian. It will take me while to remember the names of all the dishes though. I will definitly not go hungry.

Oh I must warn, it is possible that the strike will go back on starting Sunday. That would not be good. I will not have access to internet in that case. So please keep Pucallpa in your prayers...especially for the safety of the people here.

I want to say that everyone should not take for granted their warm, well pressured showers! I had my first shower here this morning and it was the complete opposite! Also last night I did not get much sleep due to the new environment and also the chickens and roosters outside my window. It is very hot at night too. I am sure with time I will adjust and the chickens will be like the train in Collegedale-you just get used to it.

I have been very home sick since I left. Saying goodbye to my family and Jason at the airport was one of the hardest things I have had to do. I miss home very much and it´s really hard to think I will not be there for a while. Please keep me in your prayers. I really really need it!! Also I pray that my spanish skills can improve greatly because that is a great challenge for me!

I hope this was a decent entry. I feel like I have so much to say, but not much time to say it. My time here is actually up. So until later!!

I miss you all and love you too!!


Monday, July 9, 2007

Here is my first blog! I have never blogged So this should be an experience for all of us!! :)

This time in two days I will be on my way to Peru. That is so crazy! I'm not sure if all of you read my bulletins on myspace, but it has been an unpredictable ride thus far. I am leaving 5 days early because of a transportation strike that has been going on for a little while. They have decided to have a 10 day truce to negotiate, and so I had to unexpectantly change my ticket in order to get there during the truce.

God has been showing me that He is in control and this trip is definitely all for Him and His work. It's all about the Big Guy!! I want to thank everyone who has included me in their prayers, I appreciate it more than you know. I would be so grateful if you could remember me in your prayers while I am gone. I know I will need it!!

So here is the plan....I leave from Atlanta at 5:25 pm and arrive in Lima, Peru at 11 pm. I will stay the night there and on Thursday I will board a 2ish hour flight to Pucallpa, which is where I will be spending the next FIVE months!

So in case you might be wondering WHY I am going to Peru, here is what I will be doing. I will be doing work for the community and the church in Pucallpa. There they have a big problem with girls having sex and getting pregnant at a very young age. So I have been working here in the US on gathering information and tools for an abstinence program. They hope to first educate about the body and sex. They want the girls to know that they have a choice to say NO and not have sex so young. The big task will be getting all the information into Spanish and making it culture appropriate. My second task is working with the pastors wives and conducting interpersonal skills trianing, specifically dealing with spousal relations. They are hoping to become better educated with topics such as conflict resolution, anger managment, etc. so they can put together teachings for their congregations. For me this has been a great topic and area of research. From the information I have gathered, I have learned very valuable and helpful information for my own personal relationships.

That is my take on everything at this point. I hope to keep up with this blog pretty regularly, but at times the internet down there can be unpredictable, so we will see how it goes!

Also, I will not be sending out e-mails unless someone e-mails me if you want a personal e-mail from me then you can write me at I will be more than happy to hear from you all!

These next couple days are going to be busy and perhaps trying too. I get emotional everytime I think about being away from my family, friends, and my love Jason for so long. This will be a first for me, but I know that God is leading, so I am putting all my faith and trust in Him. That is the only way to go, right?!

I look forward to the adventure ahead. Please keep me in your prayers!
God Bless,
Amber :)

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:3,9