Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My first week in Peru

I am glad to say I survived my first week in Peru! I have to say that God is so good and I know that He is truly watching over me here. I feel like I have so much to tell, but literally so little time to tell it!

I got to go on my first mini vacation here. At the airbase there is another couple who lives there, Molly and Beto. Beto is a pilot and over this past weekend we took the Cessna and flew 1 1/2 hours to Tarapoto. This is north of Pucallpa. This was my first time in such a small plane and I was a little nervous. We even had to fly through a few storms, which made me hold my breath because I was so nervous. But I am happy to say we made it both ways safely. And the ride back I wasnt so nervous, perhaps because I forgot to take my dramamine and was mostly praying to God that I wouldnt get sick!!
It was so awesome to go see another city. We went to a beautiful waterfall and I got some amazing pictures. (with my amazing camara that Jason got me:)) We also visited another town close by that called Lamas. This was a town that was on a small mountain top. There were some very beautiful views. I felt very luck to have the opportunity to go on this trip. While in Tarapoto, I also had the most delicious grape juice I have ever tasted. The juices and fruits taste so good here in Peru!

I have had my share of seeing interesting creatures. I have seen 3 large iguanas, two of which were shot by the gentleman that lives below us. (Another couple Gloria and Emilio) And another was killed by one of our dogs, Flicka. The iguanas eat the chicken eggs, so if ever they come around, they will not live long! There is also a bat that lives in our roof and flys down into the living room sometimes. There are tons of bugs, but you just have to get used to it.

I have been meeting a lot of people here. They are all very friendly, its just hard because I dont speak the language. I am getting better at recognizing people I see often though, and I have had a few opportunities to attempt to communicate in Spanish. It is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

Being here really makes me realize the true luxury we live in in the US. I mean they have so little here compared to us. For me it has really put my life in perspective and I can only pray that this teaches me a life long lesson about not taking things for granted.

I started yesterday working on my programs and so far it is going well. I will have a girl names Annie helping me. She is 17 and lives here in Pucallpa. Her English is very good and she is even starting to learn Chinese. Shes a very smart girl. First we are working on the relationship stuff and then we will start the abstinence program.

In case you do not know, the strike did not start again. Thank you to all of you who have been praying. They have decided to give more time to work out the issues, so all is good as far as transportation goes. However, teachers here are on strike, so there is no school for government run schools.

I have still been having my share of homesickness, but I call home often, so that really helps. There is also some news about my return to the States. After much prayer and review of my work here, Edie and I have decided that it would be okay for me to come home early. We feel confident that I can accomplish my work within three months. So my new possible return date is October 5. I am very excited about this because I miss home so much and I think that God really knows my heart and is allowing me to return early.

I am sure I have left out so much, butI hope that this gives you at least a little picture of my time here. And also please excuse any typing errors, I really try to rush because I have just a short time on the internet. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. I love you all and miss you too! Thank you for all the comments and e-mails so far. I really enjoy them!!

Until next time,


katietillotson said...
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katietillotson said...

I BET! you were nervous in that little cessna through a storm!!! My dad flies those little planes, and I get nervous when it's just a little windy! And bless your heart that you felt nauseous in the plane!! that's no fun! but, i just can't imagine the views you saw taking that trip. I bet it was amazing.